Saturday, July 2, 2011

My lil' dare devil

We have a new teacher!

And, she is incredible!

You know how you just "click" with someone, well we did!


I'm going to try not to boo hoo about Leah anymore (or as much) on her blog.

I know there will be trials and stress but when Leah is grown and reads this, I want her to see the good part of her childhood, not just mama whining! :)

So, Leah's been lil' miss social butterfly lately.

She has her play group on Wednesday's, a play date with her buddy once a week, and 2 hours of nursery every Sunday at church.

I've been assigned to one of those hours and it is so nice to watch her play.

I think all of this peer interaction is benefiting her a ton!

Her language has exploded!

Words and phrases are coming out of nowhere!

She has been saying EVERYTHING!

Things like, "bless you".

Sit Down.

Go outside.

Jessie (my sister's annoying pomapoo). ;)

Get up.


Thank You.


There's a ton more, but I'm sure you get the point.

She is doing all of this completely spontaneously and appropriately! She says them all at the right times! :)

Lil' smarty pants.

She's also becoming more aggressive physically.

Not the hitting and mean kind of aggressive, but more confident in herself.

She is trying her body a little more then she used to.

She's climbing on EVERYTHING!

I'm the kind of Mama who lets my kids fall a few times so they figure out they need to be careful.

I am a little more careful with Leah because of her neck and joints, but I still let her fall from short distances.

And you know what?

She figured out that falling is NOT fun and has learned how to get down and not to stand on furniture all on her own!

No formal instruction on how to protect herself.

Do you know how hard it is to sit and watch your baby fall and try NOT to stop her?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I let her go up a flight of stairs and let her fall down them, I just might let her slide down a few steps.

Or, I move the coffee table out of the way so when she falls off the couch she doesn't hit her head on the wood.

And then I'm right there to comfort her when she does fall.

The other day she climbed up her Little Tykes slide, maneuvered her body to sit on top of it, and slid down.

I was about 10 feet away when she did that and I was biting my nails the whole time.

But, she slid down all. by. herself.

So then she had the cheering Mama right there to scoop her up and give her a big hug and praise!

Little moments like those are definitely ones to keep in the books! :)

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