Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Leah!

Leah’s birthday was fabulous!

It was one of the most inspiring, peaceful, and lovely days I’ve ever had.

The spirit in our home was magnificent.

The love which was felt and given was immeasurable.

We started the day with presents.

Leah stayed on the floor the entire day only playing with her new toys. She completely ignored the rest. It was as if she knew that those toys were special.

We muddled around for most of the day with no real exciting plans but to have fun.

In the evening we went to a pageant which our church performs. It is a magical performance. It is actually one of the world’s largest outdoor plays. It was very peaceful.

I had no sense of sadness.

None of the despair of the year before came back.

I simply enjoyed the beautiful day with my family.

It felt as though Heavenly Father was pouring out His spirit among us.

It was as if He was here celebrating it with us.

If this is what Leah’s birthday will bring into our family, I can’t wait to experience another 1000 more! :)

Happy Birthday Leah!

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