Friday, June 24, 2011


Last week was tough!

Holy Moly!

But this week is MUCH better.

Thank Goodness.

I was talking to Steven one night about my emotions.

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that Down syndrome hits me so hard, just
out of the blue.

Anyway, I was talking about my concerns with the teacher, and not being able to give
Leah the best that she deserves, and worrying about how I will do it on my own, and...

He was obviously over my whining and really didn't want to hear anymore of it.

That made me sad.

I couldn't understand why he would be so cold towards me when I was so upset.

Steven is an amazing husband and father.

He's the kind of man who makes me feel perfect even on my very worst day.

This reaction wasn't like him.

Then he said, "Jennifer you're an amazing mother."

"You're amazing to all of our children, including Leah."

"Our children are the way they are because you are such a great mother."

"You just naturally know what to do for them and they all benefit from it."

"Stop worrying about things that you have no control over and just be Leah's mom."

"She will be amazing just like the other kids, just because you're her mom."

Maybe those aren't his EXACT words but that's the gist of it.

Yep, I'm a lucky girl, I know.

So, I've been trying to take the compliments to heart.

I don't think that I'm that great of a mom.

He gives me more credit then I deserve, but my kids are pretty fabulous so we must be doing something right.

Then, yesterday Leah's PT was here and he was tapping her hands and feet very rapidly. I asked him why he did that. He said because it helps to wake up her nerves and will help stimulate her resting responses a little because she was being pretty floppy.

She was responding well to the stimulation and he said, "She seems to like it."

Then I said, "I do that all the time. I don't know why I do it, but she loves it when I do."

I've never done this tapping thing with any of my other kids.

It's just something I started with Leah.

No one else has ever done it with her either.

Until now.

Maybe Steven's on to something.

Maybe Heavenly Father is equipping us with the instincts we need to parent Leah.

Maybe I need to have more confidence in myself and not worry too much about the therapists.

Not that I don't appreciate them.

If it wasn't for her PT I wouldn't know why I was doing the things I was.

I love the extra knowledge they give me and their support is irreplaceable.

But I think I need to have more confidence in Heavenly Father and rely more on His knowledge and blessings, and less concern over what I'm not doing.

I love my family.

I especially love Steven.

He is more then I deserve.

He is more inspired then he realizes.

He is more inspiring then he knows.

Yep, you can all be jealous! ;)

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